We support families and communities
Alternative Care Initiatives strive towards a world free of orphanages
Alternative Care Initiatives
Alternative Care Initiatives (ACI) Uganda believe wholeheartedly that children belong in families and their communities, not in childcare institutions (or orphanages / children's homes, as they are also called) and that institutions should be used as a temporary measure when a family disruption takes place.
We recognise the local governments and organisations now implementing programmes to preserve families, resettle children back into their families and find alternative family-based placements within Uganda.

In order to carry out our work, funds are needed. The services we provide include the monitoring of children and their families that have been affected by abuse, investigating fraudulent and illegal orphanages, and reunify children whom have been separated from their families through kidnapping or adoption back to their families. Find out more.
Get involved
There are different ways in which you can get involved with Alternative Care Initiatives Uganda. Become an advocate and start speaking out against the orphanage and 'voluntourism' sector, become a member of our Uganda Care Leavers (UCL) network, become our partner organisation or become one of our donors! Find out more.
Our mission
We believe that children belong in families and their communities. However, orphanages have created a 'pull' factor, leading to the unnecessary institutionalisation of thousands of children, who are often being turned into income streams. We strive for a world in which every child can grow up in a loving family. Find out more.